Latex prostetics
Grimas Latex Prosthetics are rubber noses, snouts, horns, ears and chins. They are used for the theatre, carnival, film and television. When used properly, the latex prostetics can be re-used several times.
Grimas Latex Prosthetics are rubber noses, snouts, horns, ears and chins. They are used for the theatre, carnival, film and television. When used properly, the latex prostetics can be re-used several times.
Put a piece of wadding in the nose to maintain its shape and to absorb perspiration.
Apply a little Grimas Mastix Extra to the inside of the scales/adhesive edge and allow it to dry for a few seconds. Allow the glue to dry for 15 seconds and then place the latex prostetic back on the skin.
Use a pin-tail comb to hold the scaly edges properly in place and glue them straight. Press the edges down firmly with a tissue.
To get a smooth transition between the latex prostetic and the skin, even the edges off as follows: apply a thin line of eyelash adhesive to the edge of a sponge and dab this over the transition between the latex prostetic and the skin. Allow to dry with help of a hairdryer until the result is transparent. Repeat this process until a nice and even transition is obtained.
Colour the edges of the transition with the colour being used. Powder it all off with Grimas Transparent Powder or Fixing Powder and then remove any excess powder.
Detach the adhesive edge with a cotton bud soaked in Grimas Mastix Remover. Remove the adhesive and make-up residues from the latex prostetic with Mastix Remover. Massage Grimas Multi Remover Pure or Cleansing Cream into the skin and remove with a tissue. Cleanse the skin afterwards with Grimas Cleansing Lotion.
Clean the latex prostetic afterwards using water and soap, and powder it with Grimas Transparent Powder after drying (with a dryer, if necessary). Keep in a dark place.