To get the stubble effects you use a Stubble Sponge. Dab a moist Stubble Sponge into black Grimas Water Make-up (Pure). Hold the Stubble Sponge between the fingers and compress it gently, so that it becomes a bit convex. Test the colour intensity on the hand first. Then work dabbing onto the skin: do not use a brushing motion, since you would remove the structured effect.
STOPPEL SPONGE = Stubble sponge
WATER MAKE-UP (PURE) = Water Make-up Pure
Grimas Tooth Enamel is an alcohol-based varnish that can be used to colour teeth.

Dry the teeth with a tissue. Shake the bottle well before use. Apply Tooth Enamel with the brush and allow to dry for a few seconds. Do not use Tooth Enamel on dentures and teeth with fillings.

Water Make-up works just like watercolour paint. Don't work too dry, but do not use too much water.
General tip: Water Make-up can be used to add (additional) colour to the hair and eyebrows, provided that the hair is not permed, bleached or dyed. Use a toothbrush to do this.

Hair that has been coloured using Water Make-up (Pure) can be washed with shampoo.

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