You apply Cake Make-up with a slightly damp make-up sponge. If you work with too much moisture, streaks will form.
You can press the make-up sponge down onto a tissue to remove any excess moisture.

Take the make-up sponge between the fingertips and squeeze it together to create a round surface. With this surface the make-up can be applied.

CAKE MAKE-UP = Cake Make-up
MAKE-UP SPONGE = Make-up Sponge
First dab a little Cake Make-up onto the hand to check the colour intensity. Then apply it evenly from top to bottom. Work the Cake Make-up out properly, up into the hairline, and do not forget the ears and neck. This is how you avoid a mask-like effect. Cake Make-up dries quickly, so you need to work quickly to achieve a nice result. If the result is not even, turn the sponge that you worked with over and use the clean side to even out the make-up. Any stripes after drying can be gently rubbed away with a soft tissue or cloth.
If children have skin irritation or small cuts on their faces, you can also do the painting on the hand.

Grimas Water Make-up (Pure) is an unperfumed, gluten-free water-based make-up, intended for face-painting and body-painting. Pure means that the product in question does not contain any chemical preservatives (such as parabens) or halogenated organic compounds.

Water Make-up works just like watercolour paint. Use a brush or a make-up sponge to make the make-up a bit mushy.

Grimas Water Make-Up (Pure) can be used around the eyes, but children often do not like it when brushes are so close to the eyes. If you work above the eyes (eyelid), have your model close his/her eyes in a relaxed manner. Children are inclined to shut their eyes tight. Then you can say: keep your eyes closed as if you are sleeping.

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