Smooth the Eyebrow Plastic surface and edges off with your fingertips, using a little bit of Cleansing Cream. Then dab it all over with a clean Make-up Sponge. This gives a matt effect and also adds a skin-structure effect. Powder the whole with a make-up sponge with Grimas Transparent Powder to matt and fix it; then turn the sponge over and continue dabbing with the clean side until the excess powder has been removed.
Short hair: shave away hair on the neck, if necessary, make sideburns shorter, and then comb the hair backwards tightly (moisten a little if necessary), and fixate with hairspray. Note: do not use gel.
Long hair: distribute the hair evenly over the head. To keep the hair together, use a cut panty hose (upper leg part). Note: do not use hair pins or combs, as they may damage the Bald Cap.