The broad shape of the eyebrows and the small angle they make enhance the mean effect.
Apply a beard shadow with Eye Shadow/Rouge using a Powder-Rouge Brush.
This example makes use of the principle of 'aging'. Important areas for shading are the eye sockets, the temples, the side of the nose and below the cheekbones. The vertical frown wrinkle and the naso-labial ('nose-lip') fold are also important areas to shadow.
Cake Make-up can be lighted and shadowed beautifully with Grimas Eyeshadow/Rouge.
Apply white make-up to the higher parts of the forehead, above the temple, next to the frown wrinkles on the wings of the nose and on top of the nose. The eyebag is also lightened a little. Between the higher parts of the brow some subtle shadowing is done to generate more depth. Now you lighten the cheekbones and the outsides of the naso-labial fold, the higher part above the upper lip, the corners of the mouth and on the chin.